Trucking Journal Spotlight EZ Wheels Driving School Featured CDL training NJ EZ Wheels Driving School is a commercial driving school located in New Jersey. They are a full-service driving school. Their training classes include: Tractor Trailer training Straight Truck training Bus driver training School Bus Driver training Limo Auto Forklift Certification Corporate Fleet training Defensive
About: Lou Vanacore
Posts by Lou Vanacore:
CDL Training Locations on the Rise
Jul 18, 2018 Uncategorized -
Driver Shortage Video WKBN27
Nov 29, 2017 Uncategorized
Attention Veterans. Maximize Your VA Benefits. Are you a Veteran looking for a rewarding civilian career? DSW’s New Apprenticeship Program, Project Open Road, features a highly profitable, paid, on-the-job training to become a professional truck driver. It’s a smart way to make the most of your GI Bill® benefits. Project Open Road features: Approved
The demand for drivers is still very high. The American Trucking Association says there is a need for over 50,000 drivers. The fact is that number, by some experts, could double or triple over the next 10 years. The question remains how we fill these positions. A large population of the current available truck drivers
Amazon Pushes Demand for Truck Drivers Further. In an industry that is already having a hard time filling the demand for Truck Drivers. The success of Amazon and the overall shift of how consumers are shopping and getting their goods is pushing the opportunity for new CDL Drivers even higher. Amazon’s Best of Prime 2017
In an Industry that is already feeling the pressure to increase the number of truck drivers. The Growing US economy increases the demand for CDL Drivers and is pushing the envelope even high. The ATA said the driver shortfall could reach 50,000 positions by the end of this year and if trends hold, will grow
With a desperate need for drivers. A good look at what a real issue this is in this video from WKBN27 Video link on Youtube from WKBN27.
Elon Musk unveils Tesla Semi Truck within November 16th Launch Event. Not only does the new Tesla Semi has amazing battery performance and stunning design. But this truck could turn the global market into a frenzy. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk presented the Tesla Semi right from the stage of the live event. Tesla Semi is ready to
The good news 1st. All three African elephants Mikia, Lovely and Lou have arrived safely to the winter resting spot in Sarasota, Fla. Although, the trip was anything but a normal winter get away to Florida. According to News Channel 9 the tractor trailer that was traveling to the winter resting spot in Sarasota Fla.